Sunday, September 27, 2015

Good Tea

Some Catmint must have got mixed in with the Organic Peppermint because Prishe went crazy over the empty wrapper.

Jungle Jack and Serengeti Sugar

Thousands of years of domestication have not completely eradicated the jungle nature of the domestic cat.  No plant is safe from the determined predator who stalks them from the shadowy edges of every room.

Jack and the Mac

Tip of the day: To change all the settings at once, sit on the keyboard. 
Dear Apple,
English is not my first language, please add Meow.  
 Dear Apple, 
This looks nothing like a mouse to me.  PS it doesn't taste like one either.
Jack and a Tortie...

A Plague of Kittens

Yes, I know a batch of kittens is really called  litter but if you had five, you would call it a plague too!


Having a sibling means you always have someone to play or fight with.  There will always be someone willing to explore and go on a grand adventure with you.  And at the end of the day, someone soft to cuddle up to.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Dot is the runt of the litter; she is as tiny as Sugar is big.  She is named after a character in Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries; Dottie, Miss Fisher's usually timid but sometimes brave companion.  Dot is very timid but loves to play kitten games with the others even though she can't alway do what the 'big kids' are doing.  She is also an accomplished escape artist since she is small enough to slip through the slimmest crack as quick as a flash.


Sally is named after my favorite character in A Nightmare Before Christmas who is also a patchwork girl.  Sally is easy to tell apart from the other torties because of the distinct color separation on her face.  She is the quintessential Pity Kitty with her dark rimmed big eyes.   Sally is a wild child who plays hard with her sharp little teeth and claws but she can be sweet when she tries.  Watch out though she will climb up your leg if that is what it takes to get to where she wants to be!


Sunshine got her name right away; the distinctive orange sunburst on her face made it easy to tell her apart from her tortie sisters.  She is a scrapper and didn't even cry when the fur and most of the whiskers got kicked off one side of her face.  Like Jack, she is very social, high energy and always ready to explore.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Jack is the smartest cat ever!    What he can't do today he will have figured out by tomorrow.  He is a show off who likes to be the center of attention and who could say no to that face!   He is afraid of nothing and is first to greet and first to investigate anything new.  He is super cuddly once he finally gets tired.  Jack is named for the handsome Detective Inspector Jack Robbinson on Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.