Sunday, September 23, 2012

Water Baby

Prishe has recently developed a fixation with playing in the water bowl.  She dips her paw in the water and tries to catch the ripples.  She shakes her paw out, slinging water everywhere, and then tries to catch the beads of water on on the floor.  She has managed to turn over or empty all of the water from the bowls as she plays this fascinating game.  
On Saturday, Jellicle was hand washing some delicate fabrics in a tub on the kitchen counter.  Leaving the clothes to soak a bit, she left the room.   A few minutes later, loud thumps and bangs drew her back to the kitchen.  There sat Prishe, in a pool of sudsy water that she had sloshed out of the tub, trying to get the taste of TIDE off of her tongue.  
Prishe left the laundry alone after that but that gave Jellicle an idea!  To distract Prishe from her obsession with the water bowl, Jellicle placed a shallow tub of water on the kitchen floor so the Water Baby could play to her heart's content.
Naja: Look at dis big bowl of water!
Prishe:  Watch dis Naj, put your right paw in.
Prishe:  Put your left paw out!
Prishe:  Turn yourself around and shake it all about!
Naja:  But I dun wanna get my paws wet! Water is for drinking!
Prishe: Look dis funny fish swimming in the water!
Prishe pulls the toys out of the water and carries them off to the kitty room.

It is a good thing Jellicle doesn't have an aquarium!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Kitteh Guide to Home Decor

Today's topic:
Accessories are a great way to add a pop of color to a neutral room.
Color: Can either contrast or compliment Kitteh fur.

Clever use of pattern can do both!
Height:  Some designers advise varying the height of objects to create interest.
Kittehs advise that objects that are too small will be knocked onto the floor.
Function:  Good design is a marriage of both function and form.
Any object can be decorative but not everything makes a good bed!
Comfort:  An very important aspect of function.
 When choosing accessories ask yourself if the Kitteh will find it comfortable.
Good design doesn't always have to be practical; Art should always strive for a higher purpose...
such as providing hours of Kitteh entertainment!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Goddess of the Hunt II

Part II
Narrated by Jellicle
Starring Naja as Artemis
and a brief cameo by a special Mystery Guest
(Warning: May contain graphic disturbing images not suitable for those with sensitive tummies.)
Scene:  Saturday afternoon, Jellicle has just returned from the store and is busy unpacking groceries. 

Artemis, the mighty hunter, having been awakened from her afternoon nap, is patrolling the kitchen perimeter.  She stops near the door, whiskers and tail twitching, a new scent is in the air.  A stranger has breached her domain.... 

Jellicle:  Naja, what are you doing?
Naja: I'm not doing nuffing!

Jellicle goes back to her task but as soon as her back is turned, Naja begins poking at something in Jelli's shoe!

Once more, Jellicle goes to investigate but this time she sneaks up on the mighty hunter.

Uh-oh!  Where did it go?

Naja:  It hiding under dis shoe!
Jellicle lifts up the shoe....

and finds the mutilated body of a mini Godzilla. 
His tail has fallen off and his feet appear to be dysfunctional but he is still squirming.
Ugh....Jellicle gets a wad of paper towels and takes him outside far away from the house (where he grew new feet and a tail and lived happily ever after). 
Then she cleans up bits of tail and lizard blood that are inexplicably on the floor, not the rug.
   Artemis now guards the kitchen faithfully,  ever hopeful that another monster will appear.  
Note:  It isn't that Jellicle objects to the cats killing and eating their prey (eww, gross) but her bed is where they like to take all their favorite toys to 'kill'.  That very morning,  they brought a very mushy blueberry, stolen from the bowl on the counter, to play with in the bed.   Blueberry juice is hard enough to get out of the sheets and carpet and she doesn't want to wake up with a dead lizard on her pillow!