Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pavlov's Dog

Jellicle's camera makes a chiming sound when activated.  This is bothersome when she is trying to sneak a shot of the kittehs in action.

She also sometimes takes a picture of food.  Recently, Jellicle prepared a dish that was highly intriguing to Kitteh noses.  Naja and Prishe were convinced that the tender scallops sauted in garlic and butter could only be intended for them . 

Jellicle was hard pressed to hold the camera steady with one hand while fending off willing taste testers with the other.  After managing a few decent snaps, the food was consumed by Jellicle (much to the disappointment of Naja and Prishe).

Later that week................

Jellicle turns on the camera.


Naja and Prishe race to the kitchen.  They jump up on the table and begin meowing frantically, apparently under the mistaken belief that Jellice is about to take another food picture (hopefully more scallops).....

Prishe:  Where is it? Where is it?

Naja:  Wait for me! My legs are shorter

Meow! Meow!

Prishe:  Is it on the stove?
Naja: Is it on the counter?

                                                            Naja remains unconvinced...

Disclaimer:  Kittehs are not allowed on the table, stove or counter (and Jellicle's voice is growing hoarse from telling them that).  Kittehs are never given table food (except the two or three times Naja chewed up a loaf of bread when Jellicle wasn't looking).

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tunnel Vision

Stalking:  The rules of engagement

1. Hide
Prishe: Mommy, you are blowing my cover!

 2. Be Stealthy
Prishe:  Shhh be vewy qwiet, I'm hunting Wabbit!

3.  Learn from the Jedi
Prishe:  I do not go to the prey, the prey comes to me!

4. Do not let boredom dull your senses

Hone your skills while waiting

5. Be ready to pounce
as soon as your prey is sighted.

6. Stay alert
Your prey may appear from any direction

7. Inspect the tunnel before blindly entering
Naja:  Your prey may be hiding and waiting for YOU!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Green Thumbs

Gardening is another great summer hobby.  Even house plants respond to more light and warmer temperatures with a growth spurt.  It is important to take extra care of them now that the dormant season is behind.  Naja and Prishe have compiled this handy guide to maintaining healthy house plants, sure to be useful to indoor  Kittehs everywhere.

Green Thumb Rule 1
Trim new growth frequently.  This helps the plant grow faster.

Naja:  Like dis, just bite it right off.

Green Thumb Rule 2
To avoid trimming too much, use the fool proof Kitteh ruler:

Naja:  As far as you can reach standing up is about right.

Green Thumb Rule 3
Be sure to trim evenly all the way around the plant for best presentation.

Naja:  Don't be afraid to stretch yourself.  You can do it!

Green Thumb Rule 4
Always deadhead.  Removing old leaves will prompt new growth.

Prishe:  Dis one is quite tasty!

Green Thumb Rule 5
Don't worry if you over do it.  Placing a tall decoration in the pot  will distract the viewer.

Prishe:  Just a few more leafs to go!

Green Thumb Rule 6
Keep quiet about your activities to surprise and delight your owner.

Naja:  Quick! Run!  I hear mommy!

Green Thumb Rule 7
Act nonchalant when others praise your skill with plants.

Prishe:  Hi mommy, isn't this a lovely decoration.!