Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Field Trip

One day, Jellicle comes home early.....

Jellicle:  Prishe! Naja!  Who wants to go for a ride?

Prishe:  Not me!
Naja:  Where we going? Will there be snacks?

Prishe:  I dun like it!

Naja:  Prishe is a big baby. Will there be snacks?

Naja:  Are we there yet?
Prishe:  Move over Naja, Im'ma chew my way out!

Jellicle:  Here we are!

Prishe:  I dun like it!

Naja:  Somebody pweese hep me!

Prishe:  ....it smell funny out here...

Naja:  I just wait right here.

Prishe:  Ha ha, Naja is a big baby!

Prishe:  Naja, I smell yum yums.
Naja:  I see yum yums.

Naja and Prishe:  CHEESE!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sleep Survey

Prishe and Naja have spent the past week conducting serious research on sleep patterns of the average three month old kitten.  They have tirelessly devoted themselves to this project but the study pool of two is a bit small to draw conclusions about the optimal conditions for napping.  Please help them out by participating in the following survey.

Do you prefer to curl into a ball?

Or stretch out on your back?

Or are you a more of a side sleeper?

Do you get cramps when you curl your toes?

Do you like to have a bed to yourself?

Or cuddle with someone you love?

Do you use a pillow or just let your head hang off the edge?

Do you tuck your paws under your chin?

Or is your pillow your best friend?

Naja and Prishe:  Thank you for taking our survey.  It was exhausting work but someone had to do it!  Excuse us while we go take another nap!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Alley Cats

You can take the kitten out of the trash...but the kitten will get right back in...
again and again and again.

Prishe is smart; she knows that if she stands on the lid just right it will drop her down into the place with all the mysterious odors.

Naja and Prishe are big fans of recycling.  Cardboard boxs are great to play hide and seek.

Naja:  Recycle tip #52 Empty cat food cans go HERE.

Naja and Prishe are always willing to make sure those cans are really clean!

Jellicle is smart too:  Girls, meet Big Red!
Naja:  How we get in there?
Prishe:  I dunno...yet.

Jellicle is super smart: Girls, Meet R2D2!
Naja:  Where cat food cans go?
Prishe:  I dunno...they were right here!

Naja:  Look here Prishe, that big box had a toy in it!

Prishe:  Let's thumb wrestle!
Naja:  Ok, but if I win, I get to play inside.

Prishe:  This toy also make very comfy bed.
Naja:  ZzZzzZ.......

Naja and Prishe:  Remember it isn't trash until your pets are done playing with it!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

CSI-Kitteh Style!


 Jellicle races to the crime scene......

Jellicle:  Who broke the automatic cat food dispenser?
Naja:  Prishe did it!

Prishe:  Say what Willis?

Jellicle:  Naja, you are sitting right where I left it...
Naja:  I pwead da 5th!

Prishe:  I told her it was empty!

Prishe:  ....We can has snack now?

Naja:  Pweeeeese?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Basket

Prishe:  Hey Naja do you see that blue ball in there?

Naja:  My leg is too short to reach it!

Prishe:  If we get in the basket we can get it!

Naja:  Im'ma jump on it!

Prishe:  Naja! You turn it over!

Prishe:  Hey Naja, something out there...

Naja: Shh...hee hee...

Naja:  Silly Prishe, it was just me!

Kittens For Christmas

Prishe is the tabby and Naja is the tortie.  At almost 3 months old, they are two handfuls of trouble!