Sunday, September 23, 2012

Water Baby

Prishe has recently developed a fixation with playing in the water bowl.  She dips her paw in the water and tries to catch the ripples.  She shakes her paw out, slinging water everywhere, and then tries to catch the beads of water on on the floor.  She has managed to turn over or empty all of the water from the bowls as she plays this fascinating game.  
On Saturday, Jellicle was hand washing some delicate fabrics in a tub on the kitchen counter.  Leaving the clothes to soak a bit, she left the room.   A few minutes later, loud thumps and bangs drew her back to the kitchen.  There sat Prishe, in a pool of sudsy water that she had sloshed out of the tub, trying to get the taste of TIDE off of her tongue.  
Prishe left the laundry alone after that but that gave Jellicle an idea!  To distract Prishe from her obsession with the water bowl, Jellicle placed a shallow tub of water on the kitchen floor so the Water Baby could play to her heart's content.
Naja: Look at dis big bowl of water!
Prishe:  Watch dis Naj, put your right paw in.
Prishe:  Put your left paw out!
Prishe:  Turn yourself around and shake it all about!
Naja:  But I dun wanna get my paws wet! Water is for drinking!
Prishe: Look dis funny fish swimming in the water!
Prishe pulls the toys out of the water and carries them off to the kitty room.

It is a good thing Jellicle doesn't have an aquarium!

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