Saturday, May 21, 2016

Circus Cats

 High Wire Act
Don't help me mom, I can do it!
The crowd holds its breath - there is a 10 foot drop on the wrong side of the rail
Ta da!
This turn is a little tricky......
Don't mind the 20 foot drop on this end!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

When your mom tells you "Happy Cat Mother's Day", you know that 1) she has given up on grandchildren and 2) you have too many cats.

I have plenty of friends who will tell me that I don't know what love truly is because I don't have children.  That it is a gift beyond imagining and that I don't know what I am missing.

I could say the same to people who don't share a bond with pets.  Maybe pet love is a gift that was given to humans because God knows sometimes we are alone for one reason or another, sometimes by choice, sometimes not.  They don't know what they are missing either.

I know pets aren't children.

It isn't the same thing.

But love is love....