Saturday, November 28, 2015


The lemonade has REAL Sugar in it!
And comes in multiple flavors
Although technically this one would be Orange-ade

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Song For Jack

Jack, he was a ginger and cream
and oh he was long and lean
with big amber eyes.
Jack was a climber
of great heights.
Beanstalks and curtains
Doorframes and giants,
he scaled them all
to touch the sky.
Jack was a little crazy,
some said insane.
But danger was in his blood
and jumping was his game.
If they said it
couldn't be done,
well Jack he would do it.
Twice just to prove it
and have a little fun.
Jack's fur was peaches and cream,
from head to tail,
he was long and lean
and golden were his eyes.
He never saw anything
too hard or too high
to jump or to climb.
His motto was try or die,
Oh Jackie with the orange stripes....

Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Fly on The Wall

Or in this case, a moth in the window.....


Having kittens is not all fun and games......
Somehow Jack contracted ringworm which is is very contagious among cats and people.  Maybe Charlotte was the carrier, maybe a visitor brought it in, maybe it came in on an object..... It doesn't matter.  Now all the KATZ have to be bathed, medicated daily and the houses have to be disinfected.  Poor Jack has to be in quarantine with only his mommy for company.

It started above his eye, spread to his cheek and then a patch came up on his hind foot.  He is getting better and the fur is growing back but the real trick is making sure the spores are eradicated so it doesn't come back on him or anyone else.