Sunday, April 22, 2012

Operation Day!

Tuesday, April 17th 2012

6:00 AM Naja and Prishe are upset that there is no breakfast!
8:00 AM Naja and Prishe are even more upset to be dropped off at the vet.
8:10 AM Communication blackout
12:41PM Vet announces operations have been completed.  Naja and Prishe are spayed!
5:30 PM  Jellicle picks the girls up and takes them home.

Prishe:  Slurp, Slurp, Slurp

Naja:  Prishe--what are those thing in our room for?

Jellicle:  Look, you each get your own little apartment.  Won't this be fun?

Prishe:  I want out!

Prishe:  <gnaw, gnaw>  Imma get this door open somehow!

Naja:  <pity kitty eyes>

9:00 PM Naja and Prishe escape from their collars.

11:00 PM Naja and Prishe escape from their collars.

1:00 AM Naja and Prishe escape from their collars.  Prishe manages to separate the zipper teeth in the door and escape from her hut.  Jellicle leaves Prishe loose in the kitty room and moves Naja's hut to her bedroom.

3:00 AM Prishe pulls one of her stitches loose.  Naja escapes from her collar.

4:30 AM Jellicle goes to work to get stuff done before the vet opens. 

4:30-7:50 AM Naja chews a hole in the mesh door of her hut, turns her water bowl and litter box over and makes mud pies.

7:50 AM Jellicle arrives home to find Naja soaking wet with hard clumping cat litter stuck all over her paws, legs, tail and even between her toes.

8:00 AM -10:00 AM  Jellicle cleans Naja.  Jellicle stuffs both cats in their car carriers and goes to town to take care of Prishe and come up with plan B.  Jellicle cleans Naja some more. 

Jellicle:  Muhahaha!  Let's see you chew out of this!

PLAN B-Prishe

10:00 AM Naja and Prishe, exhausted from being up all night, take a nap for the next 8 hours.  PoorJellicle has to sign in to work for the rest of the day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mail Order Houses

On Saturday, the mailman dropped off two special packages.

Prishe:  Hey Naja come look at dis!

Naja:  What is it? Can we eat it?
Prishe:  Is it a tent?  Are we going camping?

Prishe:  Is it a doghouse?

Prishe:  Are we getting a pet?

Prishe:  I'm glad I wasn't in there when mommy zip up the roof!

 Prishe:  Look!  A little door...
Naja:  Maybe it a trap!  You go first....

Naja:  Knock! Knock!

Prishe:  Who's there?
Naja:  Cat Food Delivery guy (hee hee)

Prishe:  In that case, come on in!

Prishe:  Dis one is mine....go get in your own house.
Naja:  Im just checking to see if it have back door!

Naja:  But Prishe....what are they for?

Tune in next week to find out....

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring is for the birds!

Spring is here and the chirping of birds fills the house.....wait.....that can't be right...

What is neon yellow, has purple, orange and red feathers and chirps like a crazed chicken?

An alien space bird, you say? 

Close guess....


A new toy for Naja and Prishe!

Ah ha!  Here is the little noise maker!

Naja:  It sound like bird but it no look like bird...
Prishe:  Of course it is bird, see it has feathers!

Prishe:  Naja, you grab its tail, Imma go for its head!


Naja:  I gonna get dis bird if its the last thing I do!

Naja studies the problem....

and then tries a different angle...


Prishe: Mom, hep me get that bird!

Jellicle:  ... that bird is giving me a headache!